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Solidago Conservancy

The concept of a private land trust in the Lincoln area has been discussed for many years and included as a strategy in the City-County Comprehensive Plan. The update of the Foundation’s Strategic Plan in 2019 included consideration of this concept. Considerable work was done to explore the idea of creating an affiliated land trust that could serve as the lead for the Prairie Corridor project and other greenspace & connecting corridors throughout the Lincoln area.

In 2022, we will announce the formation of Solidago Conservancy, a new land trust affiliated with Lincoln Parks Foundation. Solidago (sew-lih-DAW-go) is the Latin word for goldenrod, forever connecting us to this land and the state of Nebraska. Solidago will work collaboratively with the City of Lincoln, the Lower Platte South NRD, and many other partners. The role of Solidago will include the acquisition of land and easements in the Prairie Corridor and other Lincoln area greenspace & connecting corridors, outreach to landowners and the consolidation of funding from grants and donations.

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